Decoding the Deception: Global Peace and Unity in the Age of the Anti-Christ

In today’s world, global peace and unity have gained widespread popularity. However, it is crucial to question this peace and unity’s true meaning and ultimate goal.
What does this peace and unity mean?

What is the end goal when all people come together and live in a world with peace and unity?
To understand this concept, we can examine it through three lenses: political, economic, and religious. There is a focus on political peace and unity, emphasizing an end to military activity because of the risks of loss of life and property. There is also a focus on economic peace and unity characterized by a strong convergence of economies worldwide to end economic uncertainty. And lastly, there is religious peace and unity, and this is represented today by the convergence of religion marked by the need for diversity, pluralism, and peaceful coexistence among people with different religious beliefs and practices.  

Each lens represents a different facet of how people from diverse backgrounds can come together in a harmonious and unified world. Yet, as we delve into the subject, we must also recognize the presence of deceptive forces working against God’s will. As seen in the Bible, there are different references to a world where people have pursued peace and unity on a global scale. It is also interesting that the two places with the most significant reference to global peace and unity are in the first and last books of the Bible. While peace and unity are important for the thriving of humanity on earth, these Biblical references show how the influence of an anti-Christ spirit uses deceit to push people in the world towards self-seeking efforts and disobedience against God.

The Tower of Babel and Self-Seeking Pride

In Genesis 11:4, we encounter a tale of humanity’s collective efforts to build a city and a tower reaching the heavens, motivated by a desire to make a name for themselves.

“Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

This endeavor exemplifies the sin of pride, reflecting the spirit of self-seeking determination that echoes Satan’s rebellion described in Isaiah 14:14.

“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High”.

Both instances serve as cautionary examples, highlighting the deceptive nature of such motivations and emphasizing the disobedience they represent. It prompts us to question the underlying basis behind today’s current motivations for peace and unity.

Cities: Centers of Sin or Worship?

Cities have historically served as hubs for cultural exchange, diverse beliefs, and human achievements. A city is thus a tool that brings people together. It is a settlement area that holds people from different backgrounds together to build a society that promotes its political, economic, and religious goals. Cities represent the hearts of major civilizations.

As such, great civilizations are known for the cities they built and the great kings, leaders, and other elements representing their achievements. These cities are representations of the will of humanity rather than the will of God. Whereby humanities’ sense of pride is their major motivation for coming together and building great cities like the Tower of Babel.

In addition, Biblical references, such as Revelation 18:2-3, reveal that cities can also become dwelling places for demons and breeding grounds for sin and disobedience.
Revelation 18: 2 and 3

“Babylon the great is fallen and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”

The basis of the development of these cities is not the will of God but the will of mankind, and as a result, they have become representations of disobedience and sin against God. In contrast, the city of Jerusalem, built in accordance with God’s covenant with the Israelites, stands as an example of a city chosen by God, a place of worship, and His dwelling among His people.

The city of Jerusalem, from the Bible, was built to reflect the will of God. It’s a city and a society chosen by God as His dwelling place and where His presence among His people was and thus became a place of worship. Jerusalem as a city developed and evolved, founded by the framework of God’s covenant with the Israelites, where God would be among them, and they would worship Him.

It begs the question of what lies behind the current motivations for peace and unity in the world. It is evident that the convergence of economies is the most pronounced element, but the whisper of the need for a centralized system of power and the unification of religions around the world is already prevalent. The Abrahamic accords are an example of this direction where the title insinuates that religion is a core factor of why the nations are coming together despite the emphasis of the accords being political and economic motivations.

Global Peace and Unity in the Age of the Anti-Christ

The Current Global Movement:

Throughout history, there has been an ongoing push for global unity, akin to the days of the Tower of Babel. The Book of Revelation foretells the rise of the anti-Christ, who embodies a fusion of political, economic, and religious powers.

This centralized authority represents the epitome of disobedience against God, as it consolidates control over these crucial aspects of human existence. It is vital to discern the distinction between God’s will, exemplified by Jerusalem, and the self-seeking efforts of humanity that ultimately lead to destruction.

Choosing God’s Will over Deception:

The trajectory of our world indicates a growing emphasis on globalization, syncretism, pluralism, diversity, and tolerance. While the pursuit of peace and unity is commendable, it must align with God’s will. We must not succumb to the lies of the devil but rather remain faithful to God and seek His wisdom.

The Bible reminds us that lack of understanding leads to people perishing, highlighting the importance of praying for the spirit of understanding and discernment. Through the power and authority granted to us by the blood of Jesus, we can break down strongholds and resist the deceptive forces that oppose God’s will.


As Christians, we must navigate the complexities of peace and unity with a clear understanding of God’s truth. While the world may advocate for a self-centered pursuit of unity, we must remain steadfast in seeking God’s will and resisting the enemy’s deception.

True peace can only be found through a faithful and obedient relationship with God. May we pray for discernment, walk in His wisdom, and use our authority in Christ to overcome the strongholds of darkness and embrace the genuine peace that comes from aligning our lives with God’s divine plan.

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