Deny Yourself and Take up The Cross

Deny yourself and take up the cross. It is not about what you want. It is not about what you think. It is not about what you feel. It is about the will of God and what He wills it to be.

Trust and obey the voice of God.
“My sheep hear my voice”
“Deny yourself and take up the cross.” These words resonate with the profound wisdom of Jesus, encouraging us to transcend our own desires and ambitions.
It’s a reminder that life isn’t about pursuing our individual goals.
It’s not about what we want, what we think, or what we feel.

Rather, it’s about something greater – the will of God.

“My sheep hear my voice,” proclaims Jesus.

Trust and obey the voice of God. It’s a call to have faith in divine guidance, to trust in a force greater than ourselves.

When we relinquish our own desires and align with God’s will……extraordinary things can happen.

We find purpose. We find fulfillment.

We realize that life is about serving others, just as Christ did.

So, the next time you face a pivotal choice, remember these words: Deny yourself, take up the cross, trust and obey the voice of God.

“Surrender to the will of God.” It’s a path leading to a life infused with purpose, love, and faith.

Thank you for being a part of this journey today. We hope this message resonates with you, inspiring you to embrace a life guided by faith and love.

Deny Yourself and Take up The Cross

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