How to Get Your Prayers Answered. A Guide to the Prayer of Faith

A Guide to the Prayer of Faith

In the realm of the spirit and divine communication, there exists a powerful and transformative practice known as the “Prayer of Faith.” According to “How to Pray Effectively” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, a prayer of faith involves the art of making a request to God through speaking to circumstances and ordering them to conform to the desires of your heart. This is one of the many types of prayers, and it comes with its requirements and rules.

A prayer of faith is rooted in the reading of Mark 11:23; where Jesus tells his disciples, “For verily I say unto you, whosoever shall say to this mountain, be though removed, and be though cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Analysis of this reading stems from the rules and requirements of a prayer of faith.

The prayer should be specific

It is necessary to be very specific to the circumstance that you are praying for. When practicing a Prayer of Faith, vagueness can dilute the power of your intention. Instead of offering a general plea, clearly define the desired outcome. This specificity not only enhances your faith but also provides a clear focal point for your belief and God’s intervention. Whether it’s healing from an illness, overcoming a personal challenge, or achieving a particular goal, precision in your prayer allows both you and the divine to align your energies toward a well-defined objective. This intentional approach to prayer fosters a deeper connection with the faith-based prayer concept and its transformative potential.

The prayer is a command to the circumstance

In the practice of a Prayer of Faith, the essence lies in commanding the circumstance or challenge with unwavering authority, invoking the divine power it carries. A Prayer of Faith, involves speaking directly to the situation and commanding it to conform to the desires of your heart, all through the name of Jesus. This transformative approach means you don’t merely petition God to move the mountain; instead, you assert your authority in Jesus’ name and command the mountain to move.
This authoritative tone is fundamental to this form of prayer, reflecting your unshakeable trust in God’s ability to respond to your supplications. Your words in a Prayer of Faith are not mere requests; they are declarations of your faith, conviction, and belief in divine intervention. Much like how Jesus made his commands to illnesses, demons, and even death with unwavering faith, you too should speak with assurance, knowing that your words carry the divine authority to effect change. This powerful approach, rooted in biblical prayer principles, aligns your energies with the Prayer of Faith concept, strengthening your faith and fostering a deeper spiritual connection.

It is grounded on faith

The bedrock of the Prayer of Faith is unwavering faith. In Hebrews 11:1 (AMPV), faith is eloquently described as the “assurance for things hoped for, proof of things we don’t see, and conviction of their reality.” When you engage in a Prayer of Faith, you are fortified with the assurance that what you hope for will indeed come to pass. This profound conviction and unwavering assurance propel you to live as though the prayer has already been answered. It’s important to understand that just because you may not see immediate tangible results of your prayer doesn’t negate the fact that it is in the process of being answered. This faith-based approach to prayer is not only a powerful spiritual practice but also a testament to your unshakable belief in the divine’s ability to respond to your deepest desires.

There should be no doubt in your heart

This distinctive form of prayer is characterized by its singular, resolute utterance. It is said once and left to God. Repeating the prayer multiple times can inadvertently signify doubt in your heart, suggesting that you believe your initial prayer went unheard. According to the teachings of Jesus, maintaining a steadfast heart, free of doubt, is paramount to the fulfillment of your requests. In His words, “If you shall have no doubt in your heart, He shall grant you what you have asked for.”
This emphasis on a doubt-free heart underscores the profound trust that accompanies a Prayer of Faith. By embracing this principle, you not only align yourself with the divine but also optimize the likelihood of your desires being granted.

So, what do you do while you wait, unable to repeat the prayer?

You anchor yourself in the comforting presence of God. Brother Lawrence, in his illuminating work on “The Presence of God,” beautifully elucidates this concept. He emphasizes that dwelling in the presence of God is an ongoing, continuous practice that permeates even the smallest moments of life – a simple act of remembrance, a heartfelt thank you, a moment of adoration, or an earnest act of praise.

In these seemingly ordinary moments, you foster a profound connection with the divine, nurturing your faith and fortitude as you patiently await the manifestation of your Prayer of Faith. The waiting period, far from being idle, becomes an opportunity for spiritual growth and an intimate communion with the Almighty. In the journey of faith, these moments of presence with God serve as a testament to your unwavering trust, ultimately leading you toward the realization of your heart’s desires.

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