With Great Gifts Comes Greater Responsibility. The Parable of Talents

Jesus came to teach us about the kingdom of Heaven. The parable of talents in Matthew 25:14 to 30, explores a crucial element of the kingdom that echoes the principle of responsibility for what God has given to His people. One of the greatest gifts we have received as Christians is the gift of salvation. Based on this parable as well as the gift of salvation, an important question emerges, “How will you use this gift given to you by God through Jesus Christ?”

How Will You Use Your God-Given Gifts?

Based on the parable, God will ask how you used the gifts He gave you.
I pray that God’s response to you is “Well done good and faithful servant”.
Let’s be aware that with great gifts comes greater responsibility. God has endowed us with great gifts and all of them should be used for His glory and honour. Let’s use all our gifts and be fruitful and multiply. Amen.

The Parable of Talents

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