Overcoming the Spirit of Self

Overcoming the Spirit of Self

In a world where self-promotion and self-centeredness are celebrated, it’s easy to lose sight of the humble path that God calls us to walk. The Bible warns us against the dangers of selfish ambition and pride, urging us to embrace humility and put others before ourselves. Let’s embark on a journey to overcome the spirit of self and embrace God’s will for our lives.

Understanding the Enemy Within

Isa 14:13 NKJV

(13)  For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;

Isaiah 14:13 paints a vivid picture of Lucifer’s downfall, illustrating his prideful desire to ascend above God’s throne. This passage serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of allowing self-centeredness to rule our hearts. Lucifer was a powerful and majestic angel created by God. Descriptions in the Bible depict him as a being of extraordinary beauty and splendor, adorned with dazzling brightness and wisdom (Ezekiel 28:12-17). He was created as one of the highest-ranking angels, serving in the presence of God Himself.

Despite his exalted status, Lucifer’s heart became consumed with pride and ambition. He desired to be greater than his Creator, harboring thoughts of rebellion against God’s authority. In Isaiah 14:13 (KJV), he declares his sinful intentions, boasting that he will ascend into heaven, exalt his throne above the stars of God, and sit on the mount of the congregation in the farthest reaches of the north


Lucifer’s sin was not merely a rebellion against God’s authority but a manifestation of his own inflated ego. He sought to elevate himself to a position of divine authority, believing himself to be greater than even the Creator. This same spirit of self can infiltrate our lives in subtle but destructive ways.

This same spirit of self can manifest in our lives in various ways:

Self-rule is one such manifestation, where we prioritize our own desires over God’s commands. Instead of submitting to His will, we follow our own agendas, seeking to fulfill our own desires at the expense of obedience to God.

Self-centeredness goes hand in hand with self-rule, leading us to make decisions based solely on our own interests. We become consumed with our own needs and ambitions, neglecting the well-being of others and disregarding God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Worry, too, stems from a lack of trust in God’s sovereignty. When we allow anxiety to take hold of our hearts, we essentially declare that we know better than God. We doubt His plans and provisions, succumbing to the false belief that we can control our destinies better than He can.

Recognizing these tendencies within ourselves is the crucial first step toward overcoming them. We must diligently guard our hearts against the insidious influences of pride and selfishness, inviting God to reign supreme in every area of our lives. By surrendering our wills to His and aligning ourselves with His purposes, we can break free from the grip of self and experience the abundant life He has promised us.

Breaking Strongholds


Romans 12:2 (KJV) urges us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Society often promotes messages like “I am enough” or “self-made,” but these are merely strongholds that seek to elevate ourselves above God.


We must wage a spiritual war against these strongholds, tearing them down through prayer, scripture, and reliance on God’s strength. By surrendering our pride and embracing humility, we can experience true freedom in Christ.

Embracing God’s Sovereignty


Embracing God’s sovereignty is about recognizing that every good and perfect gift originates from Him. In James 1:17 (KJV), we are reminded of this truth, emphasizing that all blessings, whether big or small, flow from the hand of God. Instead of striving to claim glory for ourselves, we are called to express gratitude to God for His abundant provisions and acknowledge His supreme authority over our lives.

This acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty requires a shift in perspective. Rather than viewing ourselves as the architects of our own success or the masters of our fate, we humbly submit to God’s divine plan and purpose. Through prayer and reflection, we align our hearts with His will, seeking His guidance and wisdom in every decision we make.


As we surrender to God’s sovereignty, we discover a profound sense of fulfillment in serving others. Rather than being driven by selfish ambition or personal gain, our lives are characterized by selflessness and compassion. We recognize that our talents and resources are gifts entrusted to us by God, to be used for the betterment of others and the advancement of His kingdom.

In embracing God’s sovereignty, we find freedom from the burdens of self-reliance and worry. We trust in His providence and rest in the assurance that He is in control, even in the midst of life’s uncertainties. By surrendering our wills to His and acknowledging His lordship over every aspect of our lives, we experience true peace and contentment that transcends earthly circumstances.

Ultimately, embracing God’s sovereignty is not just a one-time decision but an ongoing journey of faith and obedience. It requires daily surrender and dependence on Him, as we strive to live out His purposes and bring glory to His name. As we yield to His sovereignty, we discover the abundant life He has promised us, overflowing with His love, grace, and blessings.

In embracing God’s sovereignty, we find freedom from the burdens of self-reliance and worry. We trust in His providence and rest in the assurance that He is in control, even in the midst of life’s uncertainties. By surrendering our wills to His and acknowledging His lordship over every aspect of our lives, we experience true peace and contentment that transcends earthly circumstances.

Ultimately, embracing God’s sovereignty is not just a one-time decision but an ongoing journey of faith and obedience. It requires daily surrender and dependence on Him, as we strive to live out His purposes and bring glory to His name. As we yield to His sovereignty, we discover the abundant life He has promised us, overflowing with His love, grace, and blessings.

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