Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

One common principle in the Bible is the distinction between the will of God and the will of the world.
God is consistently urging us to renew our minds and transform our thinking and, most of all, stay away from the standards and perspectives of the world.

Several distinctions depict this principle;

“The first will become the last,” “Humility versus pride,” “God uses the foolish to shame the wise,” and many more.
They raise the question, what is this Biblical principle, and how does it describe what God expects of us?
The distinction demonstrates the difference between what is important to God and what is important to the world.
Understanding this distinction and overall principle will help you comprehend the mind of God.

A good example of this principle in the Bible is when Jesus Christ came, and the Jews could not accept Him as God because they expected a King with an army of angels with all heavenly military authority and power.
They used the standard of the world to perceive Him and, as a result, rejected Him.
Jesus was also from Nazareth, a place where nothing important came from.

This principle is, therefore, important because it helps us understand this verse.
Matthew 18:3 to 5

“Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

We must decrease so that God can increase in us.

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